Friday, April 16, 2010

The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Full Disclosure:

This blog is for my family and friends. It will be very boring for anyone else. I'm not trendy, stylish, or particularly accomplished; therefore, anyone who doesn't know me won't care about what I write.

I have created this information portal for the people that I care about so that they can keep posted on my life without having to call or email. Everybody is busy these days. You may not like to make phone calls. It can be difficult with regional time differences, too. So this is for you, and I hope it is helpful.

This is also for anyone out there who is going through treatment for AL Amyloidosis. It has been so helpful to me to read about other people who have their own travails with this disease, so now it is time for me to give back, too. For what it is worth, I hope it helps.

Tuesday, April 13th: The First Day of the Rest of My Life

The day has finally come. I started treatment (sounds SO much better than chemo, right?) for AL Amyloidosis today at my hematologist/oncologist's practice in a local hospital.  I received Velcade and Decadron, and an anti-nausea drug, Aloxi. I feel perfectly fine. Actually, I think the Decadron gave me lots of energy as I was busy all day and never felt tired. I had to stay up late and read since I wasn't tired at all. I just know I will have to pay for this later in the week!

Hopefully the Velcade will knock the heck out of the plasma cells, and get me on my way to normalcy, whatever that is for my future.  So why do I feel so cheerful about this? I guess it is that I am finally DOING something, instead of waiting for endless tests and consultations. There is nothing worse for me than just waiting and doing nothing about the disease progression. I felt that every day wasted was spent getting sicker. So now...on to progress and healing. No more waiting to get better. I AM getting better, right this very minute.